Join the Competition

Why join the competition?

  • You learn a variety of business skills, from marketing to finance and entrepreneurship, through the well-designed courses we provide

  • You develop teamwork, collaboration, creativity and leadership skills which will prepare you for future academic and professional challenges

  • You will have the opportunity to earn up to 100 dollars in prizes and receive recognition for your achievements

  • You have a chance to compete against teams around the nation


You have the option to showcase your business idea through a 5 minute well-crafted video presentation, a comprehensive and well-decorated poster, or a well-structured written report.

  • For any of the options you choose, please include the following: 

    • Description of your business idea

    • Explain the problem you are trying to solve and the creative solution you are implementing

    • Outline a marketing plan: what are your main marketing strategies and utilize the 4Ps marketing mix(refer to the curriculums page, marketing lesson slide deck)

    • Budgeting: Make a reasonable budget and an estimation income(refer to the resources page)

    • Market research: Research about your competitors and your competitive advantage

  • Refer to the example below


The deadline for submissions is 12/21/2023, and it is crucial to adhere to the outlined guidelines to maximize your chance of winning. Ensure that all required components including : Description of your business idea, explanation of the problem and solution, marketing plan, budgeting, and market research. Additionally, make sure that we will be able to access the project. We look forward to receiving your innovative submissions and wish you the best of luck in the competition.


To celebrate the dedication, innovation, and hard work of our participants in this business challenge, we offer a range of prestigious awards that not only honor your achievements but also propel you further on your entrepreneurial journey. You have the opportunity to receive up to $100. In addition, we will give out multiple awards for different categories: Most Innovative Team, Most Promising Startup, Customer Choice award. All teams that participate will also receive a certificate of completion upon their submission.